Get To Know Your ASB President- Theodore Walker



Name: Theodore Walker Napoleon Jr.


School: Ridgeview High School 


What are your goals for your presidency this year?


My goals for this for this year is to make sure the students on campus are able to have a fun year, even with the situation we are in right now, because I feel like now more than ever, we need to give students the motivation they need.


How do you feel about your leadership team?


Last year I was worried a bit that my future leadership team wouldn't take charge, but I never should have doubted them because they are the best team I could ask for, and I know I can always depend on them to get the job done.


What kind of music do you like listening to?


I'm open to any kind of music really, but what I mainly listen to is Japanese Indie Rock, Jpop, and Kpop.


Who are your inspirations?


My inspiration would have to be my grandfather, and the reason for that is because he would always be something in life which motivated me to work hard. Every time when I would be confused he would give me advice on what I should do, and how to confront the situation at hand. There are teachers, and even some students that came before me who I look up to, however my grandfather is the main person I look up to.


What is your biggest fear?


My biggest fear is to die knowing, I haven't left my mark on the world. To prevent that, I am going to reach my dreams and do what I can to help and inspire those around me.


What motivates you to work hard?


I feel like this question intertwines with my dreams, because I motivated myself to work hard in order to reach those dreams. " Without effort there is no success, let us do our very best!" Another reason I work so hard is by seeing people around me who give it their all to, because once you see someone putting 100% into something, it makes you want to work just as hard, if not even harder.



What makes you laugh the most?


I am very much into memes, so memes will usually get me to pretty much laugh at any moment despite the situation I'm in. Being around with friends and doing crazy stuff together will really bring out my laughter as well. 


What is one thing you are really bad at?


One thing, I am absolutely terrible at, is drawing. My drawing skills, I was just not blessed with haha. The most I can do is basic stickman figures.


What is one thing you are really good at?


One thing I am really good at, has to be dancing I feel like, but to make this more interesting I am really good at Mario Kart.


What shows are you binge-watching?


The show I am binge-watching right now is an anime called "Bleach." It is really good, I highly enjoy it. 


What is your favorite season?


My favorite season has to be the season I was born in, and that season is winter. I love the cold weather and in anime, seeing snow fall from the sky is one of the most beautiful things to me.


Who are some of your favorite teachers?


Some of my favorite teachers are Mr.Lopez, Mrs. Halbrook, Mrs. Resolme, Mrs. Davis, and of course Mr. Valadez.


What has been your favorite subject in school?


My favorite subject in school for me would have to be science. Although I am not the best at the subject, I still love learning about it because science is such a big part of our world, and everyday there's always something new to learn about.